How Many Days Until
Election Day 2021
(November 2)?
19 Days
It's less than TWENTY days before Election Day! NINE days until Early Voting starts! And eager voters are already returning their mail-in ballots!
The election is in full swing, and now is the time to go full-bore in tracking down voters aligned with our values and MAKING SURE THEY VOTE! That includes people we know personally (“relational canvassing”) and people we don’t.
First things first: please let people in your circle of friends and family know that this is an important election. Tell them you're counting on them; promise them cookies. Let them know that the governor and the entire state legislature is up for election — and that state legislatures are crucial to our future. Just look at what’s going on in Texas, Ohio, and all the states with red-controlled state houses! And this year’s NJ election is in no way a 'gimme' Conservative voters are riled up, and we need to stand up against their anti-diversity, anti-woman, anti-public health, anti-equity, anti-progress dogma.
Conservative voters are showing their ire at Board of Ed meetings.
Think they'll show up to vote on Election Day? Better believe it.
ALSO! Let your friends and family know that there are three ways they can vote this year.
- They can vote by mail (if they have not already requested a mail ballot, it’s not too late!)
- They can vote early in-person from October 23 to October 30
They can vote in-person on Election Day, November 2.
For more details and answers to lots of election questions, tell them to visit the clear, concise NJ 11th for Change Voter Information webpage!
And save the date for MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, when we will have expert representatives discussing voting methods (where, when, and how) for all four counties in our district: Essex, Morris, Passaic, and Sussex. This Defending Democracy event, titled "Everything You Wanted to Know About Voting in New Jersey (But Were Afraid to Ask)," is free and open to all. More info and registrations links coming soon!
Traditional grassroots activism means spreading the word far and wide in our communities! There are no end of opportunities to canvass door-to-door for our endorsed candidates (see the “Events & Volunteer Opportunities” section at the end of this newsletter; don't miss LD39's Ice Cream Truck Rally!!). But NJ 11th is also reaching voters in other ways: BLANKETING THE DISTRICT WITH POSTCARDS & TEXTS, AND TABLING AT PUBLIC EVENTS! Here's how you can help:
POSTCARDING: Over the past few weeks, our field program has been incredibly busy! Under the leadership of Field Director Stacey Abenstein, our volunteers have already written more than 12,000 postcards, 83% of those going to legislative districts with NJ 11th for Change-endorsed challengers. And that was just the start: our next postcarding batch is much bigger — and WOW could we use your help. Starting on Friday, October 15, we will begin our early voting education postcards. We can provide postcards, a list of addresses, and a short script for you to write on each card; you’ll need to provide postage, and pop the completed cards in the mail. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Stacey!
Kudos to SuperVolunteer Emily Golomb. Look at all those cards ready to go!
Volunteer Andrea Podgarsky loves to postcard
while her kids are at tae kwon do!
Monica Anne says, “While the daughter dances, the mom postcards ...
I love doing it! I have been doing postcards and letters for years now,
it's the easiest way to be involved and active with a small child.”
Volunteer Kerry Doyle share this gem: “Coincidentally, Roommate adorably loading postcards one at a time caused an older woman to pause and chat. Turns out, she was going to the library to use the internet TO FIND OUT HOW TO EARLY VOTE! What are the chances?? We chatted for a while, and I used my phone to walk her through her options. She told me stories about the history of my block! Yay in person communication!”
TEXT BANKING: Additionally, NJ 11th for Change will be text banking starting this week and continuing until Election Day. Texting is just — well, it’s just FUN. Click, click, click, and you reach hundreds of voters with information (and nudging) they need! Waiting in line at the supermarket? Pizza not ready when you get there to pick it up? Nail polish still wet? Send another hundred texts! If you are interested in volunteering to text, please email Stacey!
PSST! Volunteers can look for invitations to a casual postcarding / text banking BYOB Zoom party next week!
TABLING!! IT IS BACK! We have two upcoming voter info tabling events in Montclair. The first is this Saturday, October 16 at the Diwali festival outdoors on the grounds of the Montclair Art Museum from 12:00–3:00 PM. It's going to be a great family event, and over 900 tickets have been sold! Email Mara Novak if you have an hour or so to talk to voters about the upcoming election.
The second is Saturday, October 23 at the Forest Street Festival, at Forest and Chestnut Streets. Another super fun family friendly event with lots of activities for children. Mara Novak will be running the table from 11:00 AM–4:00 PM. Email Mara if you can stop by to chat up voters for an hour anywhere in that timeframe.
Postcarding, text banking, tabling ...
We hope you will use these opportunities to make a difference!
We also hope to see you at one of the upcoming Phil Murphy rallies — one featuring First Lady Jill Biden, the other featuring President Barack Obama! See the Events & Volunteer Opportunities listings for more information!
Events &
Volunteer Opportunities
with NJ 11th for Change
TEXT BANKING CD11 VOTERS — On your own schedule!
We have to make sure that our target voters are ready to vote in NJ’s crucial off-year election: that they're registered, that they know how to use vote-by-mail ballots, that they understand the early voting period, and more! Turnout is the key to victory! To join the texting team, email [email protected]. Zoom BYOB party for volunteers to be announced next week.
with NJ 11th for Change
- We've got addresses and a nice short script to write, and really sharp-looking postcards for you to use! Please email [email protected] ASAP! Zoom BYOB party for volunteers to be announced next week.
REDISTRICTING COMMISSION MEETINGS FOR PUBLIC TESTIMONY (Congressional Redistricting) — October 23, 26, and 30. The first Redistricting Commission meetings to redraw the lines of our congressional districts are starting! The public can testify and express their priorities to the commission — and it’s important that we do. SAVE THESE DATES, and plan to speak up! We will provide more information about sign-ups as it becomes available, along with what you might want to say if you choose to testify. Here are the dates of the first three meetings:
- Friday, October 23, at 10 AM, as a virtual meeting.
- Monday, October 26, at 6 PM, in person.
- Friday, October 30, at 10 AM, as a virtual meeting.
Phil Murphy (Governor)
— plus Dems up and down the ballot
FIRST LADY JILL BIDEN supporting Governor Phil Murphy! — Friday, October 15, 2:30–4:30. Middlesex County, exact location will be disclosed upon sign-up. Here’s where to register!
- PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA supporting Governor Phil Murphy! — Saturday, October 23. In Newark; we will share time, exact location, and sign-up information as it becomes available! Read more about it here.
FIRST LADY JILL BIDEN supporting Governor Phil Murphy! — Friday, October 15, 2:30–4:30. Middlesex County, exact location will be disclosed upon sign-up. Here’s where to register!
VBM PHONE BANK CHASE FOR GOVERNOR MURPHY Join the campaign in phone banking on Thrutalk, which requires a computer and phone. We will be talking to voters across the state about returning their vote by mail ballots, a critical part of turnout! A training takes place at the beginning of each event! Sign up here:
VIRTUAL DIALER DAYS with Team AAPI & Faith-Based — Wednesday, October 20, 5:00–8:00 PM. As we near election day, we need “all hands on deck” to encourage voters to return their mail-in ballots and to inform them about upcoming early voting. RSVP here. Calling statewide!
WEEKLY CANVASSING FOR GOVERNOR MURPHY & DEMS UP AND DOWN THE BALLOT with NJ Forward 2021 Coordinated Campaign. Talk with your neighbors about the stronger and fairer New Jersey that Democrats up and down the ballot are fighting for.
East Morris County — multiple times available. Sign up here: ; meeting places vary. Please contact Max at [email protected] or 908-419-5675 with any questions!
Upper Passaic County — Tuesdays and Sundays at 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM. Canvassing covers Wanaque, Pompton Lakes, Bloomingdale. We will be meeting at the Pompton Lakes Office for training before heading out to the respective towns. Please contact Katey at [email protected] or 973-818-6713 with any questions! Sign up here:
Lower Passaic County—Wednesdays at 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 4:00 PM. Canvassing covers Woodland Park, Wayne, Little Falls, Totowa. We will be meeting at the Passaic County Democrats Office for training before heading out to the respective towns. Please contact Katey at [email protected] or 973-818-6713 with any questions! Sign up here:
Glen Ridge—Various days and times. We will check in with more information after you sign up as the meeting place varies. Please contact Deb at [email protected] with any questions! Sign up here:
- Livingston—Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays at various hours. We will be meeting at the Livingston Office for training before heading out to the respective towns. Please contact Sam at [email protected] or 646-842-1822 with any questions! Sign up here:
East Morris County — multiple times available. Sign up here: ; meeting places vary. Please contact Max at [email protected] or 908-419-5675 with any questions!
Joe Signorello (Senate),
Elizabeth Graner and Anjali Mehrotra (Assembly)
VIRTUAL PHONE BANKS—On your schedule! We have two ongoing virtual phone banks for you to join. Both are available to you on your schedule, with any restrictions noted by the individual event. All hands on deck so we can win in November! If you have any questions, please reach out to our campaign coordinator Olivia at (908) 324-8818 or [email protected].
Young Dems Virtual Phone Bank — active link for volunteers to use anytime, from anywhere. Hosted by our LD21 team, New Jersey Young Democrats, and Young Dems of America Mid-Atlantic Region! This is an ongoing virtual phone bank which you can join at your own leisure. Sign up at this link!
Women's Virtual Phone Bank — active link for volunteers to use anywhere, link open from 10am-8pm each day Join us for an ongoing virtual Women's Phone Bank (targeting Democratic women voters) in support of our LD21 team! Note: The phone bank is set so that calls can only be made between 10am-8pm each day. Sign up at this link!
LD-21 AAPI DAY OF ACTION — Saturday, October 16, starting at 1:00 PM. Join us for our AAPI Day of Action at our Somerset County HQ at 3638 Valley Rd., Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. The LD21 team includes a candidate of AAPI descent, and this event will include canvassing and making calls to AAPI voters. We would love to have as many volunteers as possible! If interested, please RSVP using this form. A staff member will reach out to you. If you have any questions, please email Olivia, our campaign coordinator.
- SENIOR VBM VIRTUAL PHONE BANK — active link for volunteers to use anywhere, open from 10am-8pm each day. Join us for an ongoing virtual Senior VBM Phone Bank in support of our LD21 team! All hands on deck so we can win in November! This is an ongoing virtual phone bank targeted towards reaching senior voters and making sure they have received their VBM ballot and plan to return it. Calls can only be made between 10 AM-8 PM each day. The link will be active through Election Day. If you have any questions, please email Olivia, our campaign coordinator. Sign up at this link! The access code (should you need it) is E737F4O-237973.
Young Dems Virtual Phone Bank — active link for volunteers to use anytime, from anywhere. Hosted by our LD21 team, New Jersey Young Democrats, and Young Dems of America Mid-Atlantic Region! This is an ongoing virtual phone bank which you can join at your own leisure. Sign up at this link!
Jeff Grayzel (State Senate)
Lauren Barnett and Patricia Veres (Assembly)
CANVASS OPPORTUNITIES Join us to knock doors, gather key voter information, and remind voters why their vote this November 2 is important! We’ll be with the Murphy campaign! Can't canvass on weekends? Pick up a canvassing packet to complete on your own schedule during the week! Or sign up here for these events!
- Dover on Saturday, October 16
- Morris Township on Sunday, October 17.
LAWN SIGNS. LD-25 Lawn signs will be available this Friday, October 15! Contact Margaret at [email protected] if you are interested.
Christine Clarke (State Senate)
Melissa Brown Blaeuer and Pamela Fadden (Assembly)
- Join us for our LD26 Weekends canvasses to canvass a turf or take a postcard packet to complete and mail from home, and pick up a lawn sign! Check out available dates and times here. Updated weekly. Car magnets available too, in limited supply.
Richard J. Codey (State Senate)
Mila M. Jasey and John McKeon (Assembly)
The 27th District Democrats are looking for friends who will share their support with a Lawn Sign! Signs will be arriving soon and can be delivered right to your lawn. To get a sign or volunteer to help with deliveries email Erin Rice at [email protected] or call (973) 936-9145.
Ruth Dugan (State Senate)
Melinda Ianuzzi and Karlito Almeda (Assembly)
VOLUNTEER PHONE BANKS—Every Monday and Thursday, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM at 200 Route 17 South, Mahwah, NJ 07430. We ask that volunteers come with their own cell phones!
VOLUNTEER CANVASSING—Saturday, October 16, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM and Sunday, October 17, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Launching from 200 Route 17 South Mahwah, NJ 07430. We ask that volunteers come prepared with a fully charged cell phone and comfortable walking shoes.
ICE CREAM TRUCK RALLY (CANVASSING)—Saturday, October 23, locations and times listed below. Join the candidates for the FIRST EVER Ice Cream Truck Rally! No RSVP required to attend.
Dumont: Dumont Elks Lodge, 15 American Legion Terrace Dumont, NJ 07603
Time with Candidates: 11:00am-11:30am
Canvassing Time: 12:00-2:00pm
Closter: Closter Commons,19 Vervalen Street Closter, NJ
Time with Candidates: 11:45am-12:15pm
Canvassing Time: 1:00-3:00pm
Westwood: 44 Mill Street, Westwood, NJ
Time with Candidates: 12:30pm-12:45pm
Canvassing Time: 1:00-3:00pm
Emerson: Franco’s Pizza, 207 Kinderkamack Road, Emerson, NJ
Time with Candidates: 1:00pm-1:45pm
Canvassing Time: 2:00-4:00pm
Montvale: 157 Summit Avenue, Montvale, NJ
Time with Candidates: 2:00-3:00pm
Canvassing Time: 3:00-5:00pm
Ramsey: 25 Shuart Lane, Ramsey, NJ
Time with Candidates: 3:00-5:00pm
Canvassing Time: 3:00-5:00pm
Dumont: Dumont Elks Lodge, 15 American Legion Terrace Dumont, NJ 07603
Donate Monthly
Donate Once
Your contributions make our work possible! In 2020, donations allowed us to make almost 160,000 voter contacts in New Jersey's 11th congressional district; our efforts were a big part of making 11 towns flip from Trump in 2016 to Biden in 2020, including some historically deep-red municipalities. Even Morris County turned blue!
Your generous donation goes towards our data analysis and voter-file access, text banking expenses, support for our events, printing, and much more. It allows us to continue our work building a government that is transparent, responsive and accountable. Please visit our "DONATE" link and pledge any amount. Every contribution helps as we charge ahead into 2021 and beyond!
NJ 11th for Change is a 501(c)(4) unaffiliated organization dedicated to advocating for all people of New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District. We foster an engaged and informed community with the power to shape our political representation so that it is transparent, responsive and accountable—and so that it reflects the values of fairness, compassion, inclusivity and a decent quality of life.