Essex County Town Hall

An open invitation to Congressman Frelinghuysen to address the concerns of his constituents in Essex County.

Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen says that he values constituent contact and makes it "a priority to meet regularly with constituents." However, he has not held a town hall since 2013.

The Congressman's office has repeatedly told us that finding a town hall venue is difficult and asked for suggestions. We went a step further and arranged for four town halls, one in every county that Rodney Frelinghuysen represents, during the week of February 20th, when the Congressman will be in our district for the entire week. We have invited Rep. Frelinghuysen to attend each of the town halls as the keynote speaker. We have not received word from the Congressman if he will attend, but we are holding the town halls regardless, with invited speakers to respond to questions if he does not attend.

Tickets are no longer available for this town hall. Please join us for the Facebook Live livestream!


Shawn Klein, Livingston Mayor
Joel Cantor, Distinguished Professor of Public Policy, Rutgersย 
Les Leopold, author and Executive Director of The Labor Institute
Karol Ruiz, Co-President, Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resourceย 
Lloyd Naideck, Chief of Staff for Assemblyman John McKeon

February 23, 2017 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Temple B'nai Abraham
300 E Northfield Rd
Livingston, NJ 07039
United States
Google map and directions