Treasurer's Report for the first half of 2017

Hello from your friendly neighborhood Treasurer of NJ 11th for Change.  We recently filed our first financial report with the Federal Election Commission.  Because we are registered as a Federal Super PAC, we must submit our full financial details to the FEC on a regular basis.  We file twice a year during off years like 2017, and quarterly during Federal election years like 2018.  Everything we file is then shared publicly on the FEC Web site.  The NJ 11th for Change page at the FEC is quite informative, but there are quite a few interesting details which I would like to share with you.

First, though, I would like to ask you to consider making another donation, or your first donation, to help us keep up our momentum through the November elections and beyond. Please take a moment to donate now.  Then read on for the Treasurer's Report.

Part one - Receipts


Our receipts included $87,785.22 in donations, plus $1,619.56 worth of in-kind contributions (where someone paid for something and donated it to the organization).

1 - All of our donations were from individuals.  We received no corporate or other organizational donations during this period.

2 - We are a local organization.  The vast majority of donations came from District 11.


3 - We represent the whole district.  Our donors came from every county of the district, with Morris leading the charge.


4 - We are powered by small donations.  The majority of donations were under $50, and only 2% were over $500.


 Part 2 - Disbursements and Debts


The FEC site reports the $53,942.28 that we paid to companies and organizations for goods and services.  It does not reflect an additional $4,620.25 that we paid in reimbursements to volunteers who purchased items or services on behalf of NJ 11th for Change and were paid back.  In addition, at the time of reporting we had $1,846.59 in debt, made up entirely of reimbursements due for purchases made before June 30 but which had not been paid back yet.

Start-up costs made up about 35% of our expenditures this cycle. We retained Genova Burns LLC, a NJ law firm with political expertise, to help us make sure our activities conform with FEC regulations. We also purchased the necessary insurance policies to allow us to book venues, which frequently require proof of insurance in advance.

Administrative costs made up another 15% of expenditures. A few percentage points of every donation go to financial processing fees. We also pay for several cloud software packages that power our Web site, member database, email system, project management, etc.

Program costs made up the other half of our expenditures. We hosted or co-hosted many events, including membership meetings, town halls, and the ongoing Fridays with Frelinghuysen and Wayne Wednesdays. Costs of these events included venue fees, audio-visual equipment rentals, and a large amount of printed matter including posters, brochures, flyers, and postcards. We also spent money on merchandise such as buttons, car magents, and hats, which we give out to volunteers and attendees to help carry the message further around the district.

Importantly, we spent less than $250 on advertising in the first half of the year. Virtually everything we have accomplished has been thanks to earned media -- social sharing and press coverage. This is the best possible proof of the profound impact that individual political action can have. You should all feel proud of your involvement in the first six months of NJ 11th for Change, and optimistic of what we can accomplish together between now and the election.

Part 3 - Where you come in

The defeat of TrumpCare proves the effectiveness of vocal resistance from informed, engaged citizens like you. And more recent news from the administration clearly show that we cannot afford to rest - there is much work to be done.  NJ 11th for Change is a 100% volunteer organization, but we need the financial support of our members to optimize our success.  Please consider making a donation now to help us keep up the momentum for the rest of 2017.  Please take a moment to donate now.  Thank you!


PS – You can do even more to help! Invite your friends and neighbors to join. Forward the link to this post to 11 of your contacts and ask them to join our email list.  There are two ways to join: go to and fill in the form, or just text the word “Yes” to 973-440-2643 and follow the prompts.  We think everyone in the district should know what their Representative is doing in Congress. NJ 11th for Change is comprised of Independents, Democrats and Republicans who deeply care about the future of our country.  All are welcome.  Let’s spread the word!