TODAY (TUES. Oct. 16) IS THE DAY to ensure that you are able to vote on Nov. 6, 2018 in what is arguably the most important election of our lifetimes. This is the home stretch.
If you have not yet registered to vote in New Jersey, you have until today to register in time to vote in the general election.
GO HERE to find out how to register.
If you’re already registered to vote:
- Check NOW at this link to make sure your registration is current and active. If it isn’t, go to the link above for instructions on how to register by Oct. 16.
- Use this link to make sure you know where your polling place is.
- IMPORTANT Vote By Mail Update: If you are a registered voter who applied for a Vote By Mail (VBM) ballot for the 2016 general election, you will automatically be sent a VBM ballot for 2018. Our VBM fact sheet has more details about important Vote By Mail updates for 2018.
Please take a moment, right now, to make sure you’re registered, and to make a voting plan.
Talk to your family and friends. Ask if they are registered. Encourage them to become registered voters. If they’re already registered, encourage them to check to make sure their registration is active.
Don’t sit this one out. There’s so much at stake this year, for all of us.
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