Come Picnic with Mikie

August is just beginning — but DANG! Already, what a month!

The Biden administration is posting spectacular numbers related to the U.S. economy — concrete, quantifiable achievements, including the lowest unemployment rate in fifty years (3.5%), 528,000 new jobs just in July, and the lowest percentage of uninsured people ever (8%).

Congress wrestled problem-child Dem Senators Manchin and Sinema into passing the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, a landmark piece of legislation that will have a major impact on the national economy, healthcare affordability, and the course of climate change. It will affect millions of Americans in important and positive ways, which — if we message it correctly — will help build our chances for success in the November elections.


Important climate-related IRA information shared by the Morristown Democratic Committee.


The CHIPS Act passed and Joe Biden signed it into law, preparing the U.S. for amazing tech manufacturing growth.

Alex Jones got what was coming to him — a bill for over $4 million followed by a bill for over $40 million, and some really, really bad news about his phone records. Are his travails over yet? Not by a long shot. Karma, baby. Karma.


“‘What do you mean, ‘oops’?”


The PACT Act was finally — finally! — passed by the Senate after tireless efforts by activists and repeated impassioned public-shamings by Jon Stewart (warning: strong language). The act was swiftly signed by President Biden, securing much-needed health benefits for veterans exposed to toxic chemicals during their service. Click here for Rep. Mikie Sherrill’s strong statement on the subject (the entire tweet-thread).

The FBI, warrant in hand, descended on Mar-a-Lago and seized material for use in investigating possible illegal activity by Donald Trump. Schadenfreude much? The MAGA crowd is calling this “the revenge of the Deep State,” but savvier sources reassure us that a warrant like this doesn’t happen for no good reason.


"I have sworn to capture this man with all legal powers at my disposal and I will do so."


President Biden signed an executive order protecting people’s right to travel for the purpose of getting an abortion. A bandaid, perhaps — but right now, we can use bandaids.

Much to our delight, Trump's tax returns are on their way to the Ways & Means Committee. Have at it, stalwart members of the Accounting Department! Let us know if you need us to help sharpen your pencils, or bring you fresh cups of coffee. Or Red Bull; whatever. We're waiting with bated breath!



There’s more. Did Trump really plead the Fifth in New York civil court all day long on Wednesday? Did he really answer only one single question, and then refuse to answer anything else, over 440 times? He did! Heather Cox Richardson summed it up neatly:

Trump answered a single question only about his name, then pleaded his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent to avoid incriminating himself. He said he “declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution.” Then, from about 9:30 to around 3:00, aside from breaks, he responded to questions with “Same answer.”

Not a good look, Don.

All told, we're liking the dog days of August so far. And to cap it all off?

We’ve set a date to just kick back with Mikie!

A picnic — the most easygoing way possible to launch an amazing season of canvassing, postcarding, letter-writing, text banking and phone banking!


Click HERE to RSVP


Please join us for an exciting opportunity to gather as activists, volunteers and friends with our congressional representative, Mikie Sherrill! She will be our special guest at a picnic in Livingston on Monday, August 15. The event runs from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, and we advise arriving on time; while Mikie will have plenty of time to visit with us, she will not be able to stay for the entire event. The gathering will be held in a shady outdoor location; food and drink will be provided. Kids welcome! Friends and neighbors welcome! Potential new volunteers, of course, always welcome! Who do YOU know who wants to make a difference? Bring 'em along! There's nothing like meeting Mikie in person to motivate a new volunteer.

Please click HERE to RSVP.

Then we'll send you an email with the exact address for the event!

It’s going to be a lovely, up-close-and-personal evening. Catching up with our favorite canvassing partners, taking “How It Started / How It’s Going” photos with our Fridays with(out) Frelinghuysen rally pals, and hanging out all casual-like with our congresswoman … it doesn’t get better than that.

It has been way too long since we've all been able to spend time together, face-to-face.

We hope to see you there!





NOTE: Our new Volunteer Opportunities webpage will always be updated with the current week’s roster of actions you can take to support your favorite candidates. Please bookmark it, and check it regularly!



  • Please join us for an exciting opportunity to gather as activists, volunteers and friends with our congressional representative, Mikie Sherrill! She will be our special guest at a picnic in Livingston on Monday, August 15. The event runs from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, and we advise arriving on time; while Mikie will have plenty of time to visit with us, she will not be able to stay for the entire event. The gathering will be held in a shady outdoor location; please RSVP below for the exact address. Food and drink will be provided. Kids welcome. Can't wait to see you! RSVP here:


(Click the links for details, and to register)




  • Tabling at Events: Is your town planning any civic events, festivals, street fairs, or farmers markets? Let us know, so we can help your community get ready to vote! There's nothing more satisfying than setting up shop at a local community event and encouraging constituents to vote or learn about their candidates. If you're interested, please email Mara! We're looking for volunteers to:

    • tell us about events in their towns and counties, and
    • come on out and staff the tables!

  • Vote-By-Mail Letter Campaign: Not all NJ voters know they have to actively request a mail-in ballot this year. That’s where YOU can help! We’ll provide the official VBM request forms and a list of names and addresses; you provide postage, post-its, and envelopes. Write a quick personal note on the post-it encouraging the recipient to vote by mail, stick it to the request form, stuff it in the envelope, and send it off! We have a tight list of in-district voters who need this little push to significantly increase their turnout rates. Let’s make it easy for them to do the right thing!

    Interested in helping? Join the team by emailing NJ 11 Field Director Stacey Abenstein and putting “VBM CAMPAIGN” in the subject line. (Can't write but want to donate stamps or stamp-money? Email Stacey!)


Packets getting ready to go, straight from Stacey's dining room table to yours!


  • Working America Letter-Writing Campaign: You know that NJ 11th for Change usually focuses close to home — no national campaigns that make us roam far afield. HOWEVER! We do make one exception! Our volunteers have been participating in Working America's national letter campaign for several years, with terrific success! Working America (the activism branch of AFL-CIO) is a data-driven organization with its finger on the pulse of their electorate, and they have a meticulously field-tested, proven strategy for swinging votes in tight races. They know exactly which voters to touch, and exactly what issues and messages will do the job.

    How does it work? You will be sent a document with the text of a carefully crafted letter, focused on one of three core issues that (research shows!) turns red voters blue. You'll also get a list of addresses. Type a few additional personal sentences into the document, print it out, sign it by hand, stuff it in an envelope and mail it off with a handwritten address. Print, sign, and stuff till you’ve completed your list! (You’ll need to provide stationery and stamps.) Our experienced volunteers say that it’s quicker and easier than writing postcards … and the vote-swing rate is the envy of grassroots groups from coast to coast!

    Interested in helping? Get on the list by emailing NJ 11’s Working America expert, Jim Price, and putting “WORKING AMERICA” in the subject line. (Can't write but want to donate stamps or stamp-money? Email Jim!)


  • COMING SOON: NJ 11th for Change Postcarding: Interested in joining our crack team of postcarders? Email NJ 11 Field Director Stacey Abenstein and put “NJ11 POSTCARDS” in the subject line. We'll be in touch as soon as we're ready to launch the postcarding portion of our 2022 efforts! (Can't write but want to donate stamps or stamp-money? Email Stacey!)


  • Operation Diggin’ Up the Dirt: Mikie’s opponent, Paul DeGroot, is a hard-right Trumper. He is also keeping very quiet in the public sphere about his positions; suspiciously quiet, one might say. We’re building a team to gather intel about his positions — and anything else that voters need to know.
    To get involved, contact NJ 11th for Change Research Director Patricia Doherty, and put “DEGROOT RESEARCH” in the subject line.



  • Abortion Rights Teach-In: Saturday, August 13, 3:00–6:00 pm, at JFK Park in Dover (corner of North Bergen and East McFarlan /Route 46). Learn about local abortion healthcare access, New Jersey's reproductive rights laws and pending legislation, and what YOU can do to help. If you couldn't make it to last week's teach-in, please come this time!





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Your contributions make our work possible! Donations allowed us to make almost 160,000 voter contacts in New Jersey's 11th congressional district in 2020, and over 130,000 in 2021; our efforts were a big part of making 11 towns flip from Trump in 2016 to Biden in 2020 (including some historically deep-red municipalities!) and securing a tight victory for Governor Phil Murphy in 2021.

Your generous donation goes towards our data analysis and voter-file access, text banking expenses, support for our events, printing, and much more. It allows us to continue our work building a government that is transparent, responsive and accountable. Please visit our "DONATE" link and pledge any amount. Every contribution helps as we charge ahead into 2021 and beyond!