2022 is a crucial election year.
Far-right extremism is sweeping our nation, and even "Blue Jersey" isn't as blue as it used to be. Will Rep. Mikie Sherrill be re-elected to the House of Representatives? NO SEAT IS SAFE in 2022.
NJ 11th for Change is prepared to fight for our values. We have the hands-on experience, in-depth local knowledge, and committed grassroots volunteers to do the job right.
- In 2017-18 we ousted Rodney Frelinghuysen and launched Rep. Mikie Sherrill’s political career.
- In 2020 we made over 160,000 constituent contacts to defeat Trump despite the challenges of voting during a pandemic.
- In 2021 we made over 135,000 contacts, motivating voters who share our values but who have a history of being unreliable at turning out to the polls.
No grassroots organization understands Congressional District 11 better than NJ 11th for Change. We are fighting right here on our home turf for the future of our democracy. Will you help us by making a donation today? Please click your donation level on this page to make a Giving Tuesday contribution. It’s quick and easy!
Or CLICK HERE if you’d like to commit to supporting us with a recurring monthly contribution.
We hope we can count on your support!
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2022 NJ 11th for Change
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