Statement: NJ 11th for Change on Mikie Sherrill's Win


This is the statement released by NJ 11th for Change to media outlets on the evening of November 6, 2018:

Montclair, NJ — The following statement can be attributed to Saily M. Avelenda, Esq., Executive Director of NJ 11th for Change:

“We are thrilled to congratulate Mikie Sherrill on her impressive win!

“Throughout her campaign, Mikie Sherrill has displayed the transparency, responsiveness, and accountability we demand from all of our elected representatives. After 24 years of being underrepresented, after years and years of having a representative who refused to hear our concerns, WE FINALLY HAVE CHANGE!  We are confident that Mikie Sherrill will serve with these principles in mind.

“Mikie stands firmly in favor of affordable healthcare, women’s reproductive rights, public transportation, fair taxation, LGBTQ rights, the environment, boosting New Jersey’s economy, and other issues that are vital to creating a robust and an inclusive community in CD11.  She is committed to standing up against the harmful policies being implemented in Washington and to moving us forward as a district and as a nation. We know that once she takes her seat in Congress, Mikie will fight hard for CD11, for New Jersey, and for the nation. And NJ 11th for Change will be right there, supporting her efforts and ensuring that our voices continue to be heard.

“This win is also a victory for the thousands of members of NJ 11th for Change who have spent the last two years tirelessly mobilizing and organizing, speaking out, knocking on doors, making telephone calls, writing postcards, and showing up in the rain, snow and heat to ensure that their voices and concerns were heard. Without them, there would be no NJ 11th for Change.  WIthout them, there would never have been an opportunity for a strong candidate like Mikie Sherrill to emerge. Every one of our members deserves to celebrate and savor this moment.

“This is the power of us. This is what democracy looks like when it works FOR the people, and we are incredibly proud to have been a part of this transformation in CD11.

“Finally, we are keenly aware of the work yet to come. NJ 11th for Change has never been about any single election, or any single elected official. We will continue to fight for sustainable and real representation at all levels of government, from the state legislature to the county to municipal offices in CD11. We will continue to hold our elected officials accountable, shine a light on their actions, and mobilize our volunteers towards more civic engagement.  

“This is only the beginning.